April 1: April Fool
Nick's Childhood Trick
Nick's Childhood Trick
He'd tape the sprayer and wait for me to turn on the spigot.
It worked.
I'd get soaked.
Every year.
April 2: How Was Your Spring Break?
April 3: Do Work
April 4: Mourning Dove
April 5: Light and Glass
April 6: Drew
April 7: Happily Ever After
April 8: Out and About
April 9: Bark
April 10: April Showers
April 11: Swish
April 12: Friday Night
April 13: Ash's Lashes
{Fifth Grade Trip to Camp Timber-lee}
April 25: Golden Hour
{Camp Timber-lee}
April 4: Mourning Dove
April 5: Light and Glass
April 6: Drew
April 7: Happily Ever After
April 8: Out and About
April 9: Bark
April 10: April Showers
April 11: Swish
April 12: Friday Night
April 13: Ash's Lashes
April 14: Watching the Bird-watcher
April 15: First Dandelion
(I've never been so glad to see a weed)
April 16: Prayers for Boston
April 17: Every Action Has One
April 18: Through the Lunchroom Window
(Guess we'll be inside for recess)
April 19: Sick Puppy
April 20: Sick Puppy II
April 21: Life on the Farm
April 22: Backyard Buds
April 23: Drip Drop
April 24: Wings in Motion{Fifth Grade Trip to Camp Timber-lee}
April 25: Golden Hour
{Camp Timber-lee}
April 26: Final Portrait
Our beloved Murphy had to be put to sleep on April 27, 2013.
We are heartbroken.
April 27: Escape to Chi-town
April 28: Hood Ornament
April 29: Long Overdue
April 30: Martha, Martha
But the Lord answered her,
“Martha, Martha, you are getting worried and upset about too many things.
Only one thing is important..."
(Luke 10:41-42a)
Just tryin' to keep the main thing, the main thing.
April showers are over.
May flowers are on their way.
Let's take time to smell them.