Saturday, May 8, 2010

well done.

My intention this morning was to post a few pictures of Little Miss Elly on her first Mothers Day, but I'm taking a slight detour to tell my friend Cindy, "Well done." Look at those lovely young ladies, my friend. They are amazing. While our minds can flash back to all sorts of twists and turns in the parenting journey, your kids face adulthood with "good stuff" in them because you put it there...and God's grace covered the rest. Enjoy these days of Pomp and Circumstance and wedding have much to celebrate!
Well done. Pass the champagne.


Rick.Cindy said...

Now that I can type again (after my tears cleared).. I have to say that it truly takes a village to raise a child. I am so thankful for the people in our "village" who poured into our kids, sometimes knowingly, sometimes unknowingly, and Miss Sue has been one of our chief villagers.... You are so important to my kids, and to so many others' kids. "They will rise up and call you blessed"!!!!!

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