Friday, May 31, 2013

school's out for summer.

Pure JOY!
Last day of school.
We are all ready.
Students.  Teachers.  Administrators.  Parents.  Building Service Workers.
We are ready.
But, I must admit, the end of the school year is bittersweet for me as a teacher.
We don't always get it right,
but somehow we become a family, these kids and I (or is it "kids and me?")
We've celebrated triumphs,
struggled with hard stuff
("find a more powerful word than stuff"),
laughed everyday
(when appropriate and sometimes when not),
cried some days 
(sad tears and happy ones),
annoyed one another,
encouraged each other,
prayed for each other,
gone to camp together,
gone to bat for each other,
forgiven one another,
listened to each other,
talked over one another,
read great books together,
solved problems together,
helped one another,
sharpened one another,
hurt for one another,
shared memories with each other,
sought to love one another,
and grown together.
So as we wrap up the school year,
I get sappy.
I'll miss these kids.
But they are ready.
Ready for sixth grade.
And ready for summer.
So... go home, fifth graders!
Enjoy the glorious weeks ahead.
Come and see me in the fall.
And don't tell the fourth graders too much.
Their time in fifth grade is coming soon enough.
Note #1: 
I do have boys in my class. 
They just don't skip through fields of dandelions.
Note #2: 
Some of these girls are in Mr. McLain's class.
I like them too.
Note #3: 
These pictures were not taken on the last day of school.
They're symbolic.

That's all.


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