Tuesday, July 19, 2011

sleeping beauty.

 Introducing Miss Chloe.
Otherwise known as Sleeping Beauty.
She was celebrating her one week birthday the day we took these pictures.

Her mommy and daddy are both teachers at my school
and are enjoying their summer with their sweet babe.
Mommy's recent Facebook statuses tell the story:

Who knew such a little one could produce so much laundry? :)

What do you do with a baby who is wide awake from eleven until two or three each night?
I have no idea how to switch the day sleeping to night...

Thankful for grandmas and three hour stretches of sleep. :)

We are attempting to teach Chloe the difference between daytime and nighttime.
So far she remains unconvinced.
Patron Verse of Parenthood:
"We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed." - I Cor. 15:51

Hoping for two hour sleep increments tonight...
And feeling a little like I might be wishing for the moon?

Kyle and Amanda, 
She'll sleep through the night at some point.
So will you.
Sorry to say though...
even when kids move out,
they still bring mounds of laundry home.

My heart is full as I watch my sleeping girl. Motherhood is wondrous!
- Chloe's Mommy


sam said...

I love these! Amanda, you need to post a link to this on Chloe's blog :)

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